Study of cardiovascular risk in university workers
The study of cardiovascular risk factors in workers and their characterization by types of work is essential for the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The objective was to analyze the differential cardiovascular risk profile between university professors and administration and service workers.
Retrospective observational study of a sample of 1245 workers from a public university in Madrid. Sociodemographic variables (sex, age), physiological variables (BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, glucose, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL) and lifestyle variables (physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking) were analyzed. Percentages were calculated for qualitative variables and median and maximum-minimum range for quantitative variables. The Mann-Whitney U test and the Chi-Square test were used.
66.7% (n = 830) were university professors compared to 33.3% (n = 415) of administration and service workers. In this last group there was a higher proportion of women (62.9% vs 52.2%, p<0.001), a higher median age (53 [24-66] vs 45 [23-73], p<0.001). Regarding the cardiovascular risk variables, the administration and service workers group presented a higher percentage of smokers (21.7% vs 11.3%, p<0.001), a lower proportion of daily drinkers (7.0% vs 8.5%, p< 0.003), higher BMI (25 [16.9-42.8] vs 24.1 [16.7-46.7], p<0.001), higher LDL cholesterol levels (116 [33-232] vs 111 [ 24-266], p<0.03) and total cholesterol (194.2 [89-334] vs 188 [105-372], p<0.004). This group also presented higher levels of systolic (121 [87-193] vs 118 [79-174], p<0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (74 [49-117] vs 71 [48-113], p<0.001). ). No differences were found in the rest of the variables.
Lipid levels, blood pressure and smoking are significantly higher in PAS. It is necessary to study the possible influence of working conditions on the cardiovascular risk of these workers.
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