About the Journal
The European Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (EJOHN) is the official journal of the Federation of Occupational Health Nurses within the European Union (FOHNEU).
Editing Address: AET P.O. Box 53 Zip Code: 28330 San Martín de la Vega, Madrid (Spain)
ISSN online 2444-7226
EJOHN is an open access journal which delivers peer-reviewed research and clinical content to the occupational health nursing community, offering the information in understandable and clinically useful formats.
This journal focuses on two key objectives: to support and promote professional development by providing leading edge research findings and evidence-based nursing practices; and to disseminate knowledge to help raise the profile in the field of occupational health leading to greater involvement of key stakeholders, including employees, employers, trade union representatives and policy makers.
EJOHN publishes articles which cover a range of issues facing occupational and environmental health professionals, including: health surveillance, immunisations, hazard assessment and control, emergency response and advanced emergency care, ergonomic assessment, health promotion and education, legislation, prevention and management of occupational diseases, return to work, disability management, etc.
Goals and content
The European Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (EJOHN) is a scientific peer reviewed journal covering current developments in occupational and environmental health.
EJOHN supports and promotes professional development by providing leading edge research findings and evidence-based nursing practices.
EJOHN disseminates knowledge relating to the full range of physical, ergonomic, chemical, biological and psychosocial hazards in the workplace as well as the external factors that affect human health and wellbeing.
EJOHN encourages the development and application of novel techniques in the field of occupational and environmental health.
EJOHN publishes articles which cover a range of issues facing occupational and environmental health professionals, including: health surveillance, immunisations, hazard assessment and control, housing and communities, emergency response and advanced emergency care, ergonomic assessment, environmental protection, health promotion and education, food safety and integrity, legislation, prevention and management of occupational diseases, return to work, disability management, etc.
General information
Papers are accepted by understanding that they are submitted solely and exclusively to this journal and subject to editorial review. By submitting a manuscript, authors agree that the copyright for the manuscript is automatically transferred to the EJOHN at the time of its acceptance for publication unless the open access option is taken in which case copyright is lifted. A double-blind peer review process is used. The editors cannot enter into correspondence about papers that are rejected as being unsuitable for publication, and their decision is final.
All submitted papers must conform to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (see: http://www.icmje.org), which is often referred to as “The Vancouver style”.
- Use a 12-point type size, any font style.
- Please add continuous line numbers to the main manuscript text.
- Divide the text into main sections by inserting subheadings.
- All headings are flush left, in bold, and distinguished by level as follows:
- Second-level heading (Regular on separate line)
- Third-level heading (Italic on separate line)
- Do not use running headers or footers.
Title/Author Biography Page
- Information for the title/author biography page is placed in a 1-page Word file.
- This information should not be placed in any other file.
- Title of the manuscript. This title page Word file must contain nothing but the following information:
- Author(s) names and credentials (highest earned credential only, followed by RN, and certifications);
- Author(s) affiliation(s): job title, department, institution, city, state, country;
- Corresponding author: For publication, it is preferable to use a work address. You must include an e-mail address at the end of your mailing address.
- Funding information and other disclaimer or disclosure information. Include disclosure of funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Welcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s).
- Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced.
- They should be divided into two documents:
- A title page
- The main manuscript with a max 250-word abstract and key terms (none are in the title), followed by sections on:
- Methods, Results, Discussion, Concluding Remarks (optional), Acknowledgements (including acknowledgement of financial material support, conflicts of interest, protection of research participants), references, tables, figures.
- Any appendix/supplementary material should be placed at the end of the document, after the Figures.
Word count
For readability and brevity reasons, all submissions must be concisely written and shall satisfy the following criteria:
- Original research and discussion papers:
- Abstract: 250 words
- Text (from introduction to conclusion): 4000 words
- Tables/Figures: 5 (standard size tables/figures)
- References: about 40
- Systematic reviews
- Abstract: 250 words
- Text: 5000 words
- Tables/Figures: 5 are preferred, but additional tables/figures might be allowed depending on the circumstances. Longer tables than standard tables might also be allowed
- References: 40 are preferred, but additional references might be allowed if the review is based on a large number of included studies.
- Nursing care papers:
- Abstract: 125 words
- Text (from introduction to conclusion): 2000 words
- Tables/Figures: 3 (standard size tables/figures)
- References: about 20
Authors are required to include the Word Count and numbers of tables/figures on the cover page
Types of manuscripts
- Original research articles
These articles should report original research studies that are relevant to occupational and environmental health in a way that is accessible to readers of the Journal. A concise writing style is encouraged.
The EJOHN requires authors to follow a pertinent guideline from the current existing guidelines on the reporting of various types of studies (presented in the table below). If a randomized controlled trial is reported, authors should complete a CONSORT checklist and flow-chart and be prepared to submit it if requested. The Equator network of reporting guidelines provides a more extensive list of links and topics at www.equator-network.org. The Journal instructions provide further advice on format and layout of the manuscript.
- Reviews
Systematic reviews. The Journal views systematic reviews as reports of reviews of the literature on specific questions relevant to occupational health and safety, and environmental health. Therefore, a systematic review is characterized by a well-defined question, concrete inclusion and exclusion criteria, a systematic search of the literature, and well-defined methods of synthesizing the results from individual studies. A systematic review must include a sufficient number of original studies to be worth considering. A meta-analysis is defined as a systematic review that includes a statistical pooling of the results of individual studies.
Other reviews. The Journal prefers systematic reviews whenever such a review can be performed. When a systematic review is not feasible, for example, when the topic is more theoretical, non-systematic reviews will also be considered. However, a search strategy and criteria for included studies will still be required.
Reporting of reviews. The Journal requires authors of systematic reviews on experimental studies to complete the PRISMA checklist and flowchart and be prepared to submit it if requested. When a meta-analysis of observational studies is carried out, authors should use the PRISMA checklist when possible, and, otherwise, the MOOSE checklist should be used.
- Discussion papers
Research or practical questions relevant to occupational and environmental health can be presented with a free format in a Discussion Paper. These papers can suggest, for example, a new research area; they can also suggest a new approach in research or prevention or treatment practice in occupational health. Although the format of a presentation is more flexible than a review’s, the approach should still be critical and scientifically valid.
- Nursing Care
In this section, articles will be published that deal with the current state of knowledge on specific aspects, experiences or interventions of occupational health nursing that may be of great interest, particularly based on the experience of the author or authors. Their topics could include, not only problems in the health care setting, but also matters on teaching, research or management content.
Their structure will be: Introduction, Development, Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
Clinical Cases will also be included in this section of basically descriptive works on one or several cases of exceptional interest, either due to their rare frequency, or their unusual outcome or to their contribution to the knowledge of nursing practice in any of its aspects. This section allows clinical practice professionals to pass on their experiences in a systematic form, and that other professionals can understand and discuss them, which without doubt contribute to bringing together the theory and the practice. Descriptions and/or evaluations of nursing interventional programs will be accepted.
Preparation of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be written in the English language and should be as concise as possible without detracting from their clarity. The abstract should be structured (maximum 250 words with the titles Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions with key terms not listed in the title). The acknowledgment should include credit for contributions that do not justify authorship, note of technical help, acknowledgment of financial and material support, disclosure of any relationship that may pose conflicts of interest (financial relationships with industry, affiliation with or involvement in an organization with a direct financial interest in the subject matter, etc) and information about protection of research participants.
References should follow the style recommended by the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". They should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text and identified in the text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in parentheses. Unpublished observations and personal communications cannot be used as references; they can, however, be mentioned in the text in parentheses. If a publication has six or fewer authors, all the authors are listed. If there are more than six, list the first six authors and add "et al".
When submitting tables, place the tables at the end of the text after the reference list. Do not use tabs or macros in the table and keep formatting to a minimum. All tables should be self-explanatory and should supplement the text, not duplicate it. The table numbers should be mentioned in the text.
All illustrative material should be considered as figures. When submitting figures, place the figures at the end of the text after the reference list. If for technical reasons this is not possible, then submit the figures as a separate file (preferable pdf file). All figures should be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. All the figures should have a minimum resolution of 800 dpi. Letters, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of sufficient size that when reduced to fit the columns of a printed page, each item will still be legible. All figures should be of the same proportions (i.e. drawn and lettered to the same scale).
Ethics of Research
All submitted research articles must include a statement (either in the Method section or the Acknowledgement) that the study obtained ethics approval (or a statement that it was not required and why), including the name of the ethics committee(s) or institutional review board(s), the number/ID of the approval(s), and a statement that participants gave informed consent before taking part. If no formal ethics committee is available, authors should indicate the procedures followed were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013.
Conflict of Interest & Funding
Authors must declare all conflicts of interest. If there are no conflict of interest, this must also be stated ("Authors declare no conflicts of interest"). Authors must declare all sources of funding and describe the role of the study, sponsor(s), if any, in the (i) study design, (ii) the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data, (iii) the writing of the report, and (iv) the decision to submit the paper for publication. If the funder(s) had no involvement, this should be stated.
Submission of manuscripts
Only electronic submissions are accepted. https://www.ejohn.eu/index.php/et/about/submissions