Effect of covid-19 on the flu vaccine coverage in the staff of the Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada (Spain)
Introduction. The objectives were to know the influenza vaccination coverage among the staff of the Fuenlabrada University Hospital between 2006-2020 and its acceptance after Covid-19; and to analyze vaccination coverage by profession and year of vaccination, and to establish vaccination strategies to increase the adherence of hospital personnel.
Methods. A longitudinal descriptive study was carried out between 2006 and 2020 at the Fuenlabrada University Hospital, which had an average of 1,584 workers in the 11 years studied. Vaccine acceptance was measured through the data entered by the SPRL in the Sispal vaccination registry of the Community of Madrid. Study variables: Profession (Healthcare, Non-Healthcare) and number of vaccines administered.
Results. A total of 6,074 workers were vaccinated in the years from 2006-2020, with a general vaccination coverage rate of 24.56%. Total vaccination coverage was higher in 2020, the year after the Covid-19 Pandemic, where the vaccination rate was 68.15%) and in 2007 with the lowest vaccination record, with an Rate of 13.95%. By type of profession; non-healthcare personnel are vaccinated more (22.52%) than healthcare personnel (15.92%).
Conclusions.Vaccination coverage increases in the years in which specific epidemic waves appear, such as the one that occurred in 2020. The modification in the vaccination strategy, generating greater adherence of the professional, a specific education and facilitating the accessibility of schedules and going to Its units without the need for personnel displacement, has significantly helped increase the acceptance of vaccination.
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