Occupational Healthcare Nursing; Insomnia; Working Conditions; Health Survillance
The Occupational Nursing professional is a key piece in the approach to sleep disorders derived from labor aspects as well as in the prevention of their appearance or of the damages caused by it and the adoption of measures that promote occupational health in relation to these disorders. A clinical case of Occupational Nursing is presented where the worker manifests a symptomatology derived from the working conditions to which he is subjected. After the assessment, it is determined that the factors associated with the working conditions are the trigger of the referred insomnia symptoms and that these pose a risk of occupational injury in the worker.
Ministry of Health and Social Policy. Order SAS / 1348/2009, dated 6 May, which approves and publishes the training program for the specialty of Nursing Work [Internet]. Spain; 2009 p. 44687. Available from: / sas1348
2. González Caballero J. Application of nursing diagnoses in the field of occupational health: Examples of nursing prescription. Med Segur Trab (Madr). 2010; 56: 328–46.
3. Ministry of Health and Social Policy. Royal Decree 1093/201 0, of September 3, which approves the minimum set of data for clinical reports in the National Health System. [Internet]. Spain; 2010 p. 78742-67. Available from:
4. Romero Saldaña M, More no Pimentel AG, Santos Posada A. Occupational Nursing: competence and experience to achieve the safety, health and well-being of the working population. Clinical Nursing [Internet]. 2019; 29 (6): 376–80. Available from: cience / article / pii / S11308621193037 05
5. Sarrais Oteo F, De Castro Manglano P. Insomnia. An Sist Sanit Navar [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2017 Jul 23]; 30 (SUPPL. 1): 121–34. Available from:
6. Ministry of Public Works. Order FOM / 2872/2010, of November 5, which determines the conditions for obtaining the enabling titles that allow the exercise of the functions of railway personnel related to traffic safety, as well as the [Internet]. Madrid Spain; 2 010. Available from:
7. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res [Internet]. 1989; 2 8. Available from:
8. Johns MW. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep. 1991 Dec; 14 (6): 540–5.
9. Cattell, RB; Cattell, A, K., Cat tell, HEP (1995). 16 PF-5. Ques tionnaire Factorial Personality. TEA editions.
10. Ojeda N, del Pino R, Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Schretlen D, Peña J. Montreal cognitive evaluation test: Normalization and standardization of the test in the Spanish population. Journal of Neurology. 201 6 Dec 1; 63 (11): 488-496.
11. Herdman TH, Kamitsuru S. Nanda International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2018-2020. 11th ed. Thieme; 2017. 512 p.
12. Bulechek G, Butcher H, McCloskey JD, Wagner C. Nur sing interventions classification (NIC). 6th ed. Elseiver, editor. Mosby; 2012. 640 p.
13. Moorhead S, Swanson E, Johnson M, Mass ML. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Measurement of Health Outcomes. 6th ed. Elseiver, editor. Mosby; 2018. 696 p.
14. Salguero DH. What is training in occupational risk prevention for? Theoretical reflections and practical implications from the case of unskilled jobs in intensive subcontractors that act as the final link in the subcontracting chain in the construction sector in Spain. Notebooks on Labor Relations 2015; 33 (2): 331-356.
2. González Caballero J. Application of nursing diagnoses in the field of occupational health: Examples of nursing prescription. Med Segur Trab (Madr). 2010; 56: 328–46.
3. Ministry of Health and Social Policy. Royal Decree 1093/201 0, of September 3, which approves the minimum set of data for clinical reports in the National Health System. [Internet]. Spain; 2010 p. 78742-67. Available from:
4. Romero Saldaña M, More no Pimentel AG, Santos Posada A. Occupational Nursing: competence and experience to achieve the safety, health and well-being of the working population. Clinical Nursing [Internet]. 2019; 29 (6): 376–80. Available from: cience / article / pii / S11308621193037 05
5. Sarrais Oteo F, De Castro Manglano P. Insomnia. An Sist Sanit Navar [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2017 Jul 23]; 30 (SUPPL. 1): 121–34. Available from:
6. Ministry of Public Works. Order FOM / 2872/2010, of November 5, which determines the conditions for obtaining the enabling titles that allow the exercise of the functions of railway personnel related to traffic safety, as well as the [Internet]. Madrid Spain; 2 010. Available from:
7. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res [Internet]. 1989; 2 8. Available from:
8. Johns MW. A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep. 1991 Dec; 14 (6): 540–5.
9. Cattell, RB; Cattell, A, K., Cat tell, HEP (1995). 16 PF-5. Ques tionnaire Factorial Personality. TEA editions.
10. Ojeda N, del Pino R, Ibarretxe-Bilbao N, Schretlen D, Peña J. Montreal cognitive evaluation test: Normalization and standardization of the test in the Spanish population. Journal of Neurology. 201 6 Dec 1; 63 (11): 488-496.
11. Herdman TH, Kamitsuru S. Nanda International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2018-2020. 11th ed. Thieme; 2017. 512 p.
12. Bulechek G, Butcher H, McCloskey JD, Wagner C. Nur sing interventions classification (NIC). 6th ed. Elseiver, editor. Mosby; 2012. 640 p.
13. Moorhead S, Swanson E, Johnson M, Mass ML. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). Measurement of Health Outcomes. 6th ed. Elseiver, editor. Mosby; 2018. 696 p.
14. Salguero DH. What is training in occupational risk prevention for? Theoretical reflections and practical implications from the case of unskilled jobs in intensive subcontractors that act as the final link in the subcontracting chain in the construction sector in Spain. Notebooks on Labor Relations 2015; 33 (2): 331-356.